Phones ARE listening: Marketing firm admits to Active Listening tech.


For years, many of us suspected our phones were eavesdropping on us, and now it’s confirmed. A marketing firm working with tech giants like Facebook and Google has admitted to using
Active Listening software.
This tech collects voice and behavioral data from over 470+ sources
using your phone’s microphone. So, that time you mentioned a coffee maker, then suddenly got ads for it? You weren’t imagining things.

📱 The firm claims this software is hidden in those long Terms & Conditions we all skip. Every time you download a new app, you're potentially agreeing to this eavesdropping.

💡 How does it work?

The software analyzes conversations and pairs that data with your behavior, enabling hyper-targeted ads.

💻 Meta and Amazon React:

Meta has started investigating the firm’s practices, while Amazon denies any involvement, threatening legal action against data misuse.

In a world where privacy is increasingly elusive, this revelation shows just how invasive some of our tech has become. How do you feel about this? Should companies be allowed to listen to our conversations for targeted advertising? Let me know your thoughts!

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